What happens when you don’t have power? You tweet about it, of course!
ComEd is first in the utility industry to introduce an automated way for customers to report outages via Twitter. Developed on direct feedback from customers, the Twitter Outage Reporting Application leverages increasing use of social media by customers and integrates it into the customer experience.
Meet Sabrina Potirala, Senior eChannels Program Manager for Social Media at ComEd at the Social Media for Utilities conference, May 8-9, 2017 in Chicago. As a speaker at the conference, Sabrina will share with participants the multitude of new technologies that enable ComEd customers to partake in the power of self-service via social media channels. From its unique industry-led Twitter Report an Outage application to the AMI integration with its Facebook application and more, Sabrina will walk through how ComEd empowers its customers to report outages on the go, in the channel of their preference. ComEd’s customer service tools are at the forefront of technology and enhancements available in the energy industry. Its smart phone app achieved more than 2 million mobile transactions and was recognized as an industry best practice by J.D. Power. Hear more about it first-hand from Sabrina this May in Chicago.