What’s ahead for utilities? And how are utilities preparing for the swift and seismic changes facing the industry? Are millennials shifting customer wants and needs? And how can we realize full value from our investments in thermostats, smart meters, and other new technologies?

These are some of the big questions that will be discussed in a special panel discussion at the Innovation for Utilities conference, October 23-24, 2017 in Las Vegas. Led by industry veteran, Ahmad Faruqui, Principal at The Brattle Group, the discussion frames four major issues facing utilities today: technology, customer tastes, pricing design, and new market entrants.
Utilities concerned about recent market entrants in EVs, battery storage, and microgrid technology will learn from the panel and each other how to respond. Discussion on using pricing design to meet customer expectations will give participants valuable strategy and direction.
Ahmad Faruqui’s expertise includes rate design, demand response, energy efficiency, distributed energy resources, advanced metering infrastructure, plug-in electric vehicles, energy storage, inter-fuel substitution, combined heat and power, microgrids, and demand forecasting. He has worked for nearly 150 clients on 5 continents including electric and gas utilities, state and federal commissions, independent system operators, government agencies, trade associations, research institutes, and manufacturing companies.
The 2-day, in-person conference, Innovation for Utilities, gathers energy and utility professionals from across North America to discuss critical issues such as cyber security, demand response, social media, workforce management and how to foster a corporate culture of innovation. It features first-hand presentations by Puget Sound Energy, Hydro Ottawa, NiSource, Kissimmee Utility Authority, Idaho National Laboratory, Hydro One and others. Participants learn industry insights from Navigant, E Source, Market Strategies International, and Boice Dunham Group.
Registration is open for the conference. Join us for this important panel discussion and event.