Social Media for Utilities April 14-15, 2015 Atlanta Georgia
Utility representatives are ready to share their lessons learned and insights with you. Register today for the most valuable two-day conference event of its kind for utilities, from the conference firm that started it! Social Media for Utilities Conference, April 14-15, 2015, located at the gorgeous headquarter offices of AGL Resources in Atlanta, Georgia! Bring your colleagues to learn the latest in how your utility peers are using social media – in Communications, Marketing, Customer Service and more!
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Join us in beautiful Midtown Atlanta, Georgia! Get away from the office for a couple of days to feel Spring-like weather and gain a fresh perspective on what’s new in the world of utility social media, what has stayed the same, and connect with your colleagues from utilities across the country.
We make it easy to participate!
Call us: 610-325-4830
Email Us!
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One of the best lines of the conference came from Isaac Pigott, communications strategist at Alabama Power, who said, “To be successful and effective you don’t have to promise to talk to everybody but you do have to show you are willing to talk to anybody.” Communicators at these utilities get it. They understand the potential of social channels. But the “curiosity” factor of what social media can do for them is lacking outside of the communications function, especially the higher up the chain of command. While there isn’t one rule that fits all, the one that fits best can help the industry embrace social. View Original Post “How Social Media Can Empower the Power Industry“